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The Gallery of
Steampunk curiosities
Steampunk Sculptures Designed by Dave Duros at Steamorphics Laboratories
Machina HypnotikaDesigned and built by Dave Duros at Steamorphics Laboratories Price: Contact Artist | The Nautilus Electric WindowDesigned and built at Steamorphics Laboratories by Dave Duros. This piece was featured at the 2017 'ODD BEAUTY' International Steampunk show in New York. Price: SOLD | Scorpion LampDesigned and built at Steamorphics Laboratories by Dave Duros. Price: SOLD |
Hyperion GlowDesigned and built at Steamorphics Laboratories by Dave Duros. Price: NFS | Deco ClockDesigned and built at Steamorphics Laboratories by Dave Duros. Price: SOLD | Absynthe ShimmerDesigned and built at Steamorphics Laboratories by Dave Duros. Price: SOLD |
Aether GlowDesigned and built at Steamorphics Laboratories by Dave Duros. Price: SOLD | Horizon MoonDesigned and built at Steamorphics Laboratories. Price: SOLD | The Orphic TorchDesigned and built at Steamorphics Laboratories by Dave Duros. Price: NFS |
Kindle SteamDesigned and built at Steamorphics Laboratories by Dave Duros. Price: SOLD | Steampunk Donation BoxThis interactive donation box was a commission piece ordered by the Sangre de Cristo Arts Center in Pueblo, Colorado. Designed and built at Steamorphic Laboratories by Dave Duros. Price: SOLD | MetropolisDesigned and built at Steamorphics Laboratories by Dave Duros. Price: SOLD |
Cerulean FireDesigned and built at Steamorphics Laboratories by Dave Duros. Price: NFS | Alien Time VortexDesigned and built at Steamorphics Laboratories by Dave Duros. Price: SOLD |
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